Halloween Police – Gacha Review

It’s Halloween, again! Almost like it comes around the same time every year.

Let’s take a look at the gacha:

New Units
Semi-reliable source of turn-1 Crit for your team, but you’ll likely have better options
All-rounder that can fill a bunch of different roles in the team
Survivable frontliner that disrupts the enemy and gets stronger from debuffs
All the skills a vampire needs: HP/CP stealing, Possession, Curse, the works
Uses Taunt Strengthening to become an unstoppable machine – until he gets hit

Hot-ei or Not-ei? Unfortunately, there’s not a ton to justify using him over other options.

His main use is getting your team set up on the first turn of the quest, with increased movement in all directions and reasonable access to Crit for adjacent allies (as long as he winds up two squares away from an enemy).

That’s about all he does, though. If he can’t position to get Crit on turn 1, he’s entirely dependent on enemies having steal-worthy buffs, which is a pretty niche space to be in. Maybe he’ll shine in some challenge quests?

(In case you’re worried about giving Crit to the enemy – the timing of the ability ensures it’ll wear off before they can take advantage of the buff. He’d probably be unusably bad if this worked any other way!)

At first glance, Ebisu reads like a support, with reliable access to Bind, Freeze, and Reflect Debuff.

Then he also reads like a tank, with Protection, Bind, Nullify Buff and Remove Buff.

Then he also reads like he can do decent damage, with Concentration, Freeze, and blow-range damage.

In practice, you’ll probably be best off running him as some sort of hybrid of all three – buff him to the gills when there’s that one enemy that has to die right now, then let him sit back and support while the rest of your team cleans up.

You probably could run him as just one of his options, but he’s probably going to be outclassed by more specialised units if you do that.

I’m really not a fan of his CS here – be careful when you’re running him to not let it get in the way of his On Miss skills.

If you’d told me that Azathoth’s skillset was on a 5★, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised. There’s not a lot in the way of combos here, so going through his skills in order:

Weapon Change (Long Slash) on the entire enemy team means they have no way of interacting with your backline for the first few turns of the phase. Extend this indefinitely (or until probability works against you/an enemy gets a charge skill up) with Zhurong, spam infinite Guts with Horus, whatever tickles your fancy.

If the battle goes longer than turn 5 (which, so far, it will), he’ll get Crit, for free, every turn. Nice.

If he gets debuffed by the army of enemy long slash units, he’ll likely straight-up remove the debuff, and will get a stacking 1.2x damage boost. The way this is worded to me implies that he can only get one stack per turn, but this is still pretty good – these boosts add up fast (3.5x damage at 6 stacks).

If he gets hit by the army of enemy long slash units, he’ll get ATK Up, Brawn, and Regeneration. We’re pretty comfortably covered for damage at this point, and Regeneration is a great boost, particularly when combined with Evasion. Which he gets when he hits the enemy back. This is probably the weakest point of his kit – he has to hit quite a few enemies for Evasion to actually trigger reliably – but I’m honestly surprised it’s covered at all, given the other toys he has access to.

He’s also immune to a bunch of skill locking effects.

Limit and Berserk+ from his CS feel almost unnecessary at this point, but they’re available in case he hasn’t got his other buffs up and running yet.

To no one’s surprise, Lifewonders releases another 4th variant that is bonkers strong.

Stealing CP from allies is a really cute concept – it won’t take much of a push to get him to full charge for turn 1, if you’re after that sort of thing. It also makes him quite valuable as a non-friend support: stealing CP from allies is a great way to farm quests quickly (AR that disables CS when, Lifewonders?!).

Stealing CP from enemies is also cute, but the potential behind it is a bit harder to pull off; it’s certainly possible for him to chain charge skills into each other, but it’s not going to happen all the time.

Outside of that, there’s not much to talk about – just hit the enemies with your native 5.5x damage boost and Possess them (and Curse them for good measure).


Let’s get the Otohime comparison out of the way – when Alp avoids getting hit, he gets bonkers strong, and if he gets hit, he has to charge up again.

Where the comparison ends is that Alp doesn’t stop being useful when he loses his Taunt stacks – he just drops consistency. He also isn’t guaranteed to drop his stacks of Taunt (since the chance for him to drop them starts at 2%).

If you can maintain his Taunt, the payoffs are pretty great. At two stacks, he’s at 100% chance to apply Fear on hit (which is handy when you want to keep an enemy from hitting you).

At four stacks, he’s giving Ardour, Tenacity, healing and CP at 100%, better than many primary supports.

At five stacks, he gives Crit to his team in a large radius every turn.

These effects don’t suddenly come online – you’ll have turns where he has no stacks and still triggers Crit, for instance – but you should be building around him with the intent to keep his stacks up.

His CS giving him Weapon Change (Magic) is great, as it’ll give a nice boost to his HP/CP generation abilities, as well as better options for kiting enemies with Fear.

If you’re looking for units to pair him with, Azathoth is almost an ideal teammate!

There we have it! Though Hotei was a bit of a miss, the rest of the units in the gacha range from good to excellent. As always, good luck if you’re rolling!

Second Anniversary

I don’t even have a pithy remark to open this one with – what a great time to be playing Housamo.

Apologies for the radio silence; life has been a bit hectic! I’ve written a review for the Chapter 8 gacha, but a) there are more important things to discuss, b) there’s only 2 days left to roll in it and c) I’m not really happy with it, so I’ll probably end up skipping this one. Fortunately, it’s really quite easy to summarise:

Both rarities (a pleasant surprise!) of Surtr are amazing (compares well to Aizen and Snow); Arc and Azathoth are both interesting but not spectacular.

In case you’ve missed it, here’s the Second Anniversary announcement, but the two big things from it are:

  • Two Platinum Salomon tickets, which can be exchanged for a 4★unit of your choice (or some items)
  • Some insane login bonuses, including 100 stones (yes, 100), 10 million coins, and a bunch of other things

Quite a lot of the event is self explanatory, but I want to talk about what to do with your platinum summoning tickets. The answer, as always, varies from person to person, but as a general recommendation, here’s what I think you should do:

1) Pick a unit you like the look of. For now, at least, Housamo remains a game that doesn’t require specific units to clear content; almost any 4★ unit is going to be viable somehow (Please don’t pick Eita and complain to me though).

2) If the above doesn’t apply for you (e.g. you’ve already got your favourite husbando) then pick a unit you think will fill a niche in your team. This is hard to make a general comment on, but here would be my picks:

Thunderbird (DPS/Offensive support)

4★ Thunderbird

Thunderbird is probably one of the easiest units to recommend, even without knowing what units you have. Giving critical to vertically adjacent allies can be a serious boost to any team, and his charge skill giving both Status Reflector and CP increase to adjacent allies is a great boost.

His Default skill combined with his LB1 means he can deal out respectable damage himself, while his LB2 gives him decent survivability. His charge skill also affects himself; between that and his LB3, you can trigger his charge skill several times in a battle quite easily.

It’s also sometimes nice to have a unit with horizontal mobility, but that’s really just an added bonus.

Seth (Tank/Defensive support)

4★ Seth

I was a bit cool on Seth when I first reviewed him. I still think his Default and LB1 skills are a bit lacking, but his LB2 and LB3 skills more than make up for it. Combine him with a source of healing, and there’s not much in the game that he can’t tank.

Arsalan (Tank/Healer)

4★ Arsalan

Speaking of healing, Arsalan’s main draw card is his Holy Oil from his default skill – he’s almost worth running for this alone. Be careful not to apply the Holy Oil buff from his charge skill, however; since his charge skill isn’t likely to be levelled, the effect from this is going to be significantly weaker than his Default skill.

Giving Fighting Spirit to allies is also a very welcome boost.

Musashi (DPS)

4★ Musashi

I don’t really have much to add to my initial review of Musashi; he’s a really solid damage-dealing unit.

If you’re really averse to him, for some reason, Ibaraki and Shuten are also good pickups for DPS.

Volos (Combo)

4★ Volos

Volos is an interesting recommendation as he is largely an unremarkable unit (though cute!).

Where he absolutely shines is his LB2. Volos is the only unit in the game (for now?) that can give Barrage to another unit. For the most part, this is a bit unexciting, but for skills that trigger When Attacking, it can be awesome.

He’s not always the best choice to bring along, even when he does combo, but he gets my vote for most interesting unit.

3) Pick a unit you already own that will get significantly improved by +5 to their charge skill level. +5 is a bigger deal than you might expect, but I’m going to need to go into the maths a bit to explain. The formula for charge skill “power multiplier” is this:

1 + 0.5(log10(Skill Level))

Charge skills get improved in 2 ways when they level up – their skill effect (usually) improves, and their damage improves. Both of these components improve logarithmically, up to a maximum of 2x effectiveness at level 100.

If you’re not too familiar with logarithms, the graph of how charge skills improve with levels looks like this:

A +5 improvement to charge skill level (so charge skill level 6) translates to a power multiplier of 1.39 – in other words, the unit will deal 39% more damage with their charge skill, and their charge skill buff/debuff effect will be 39% more effective.

For some units, +5 doesn’t mean much (Thunderbird’s Status Reflector doesn’t improve with level), but for some, it can be a significant improvement (Musashi’s Diamond goes from OK to quite strong). If you’re going to improve one of your units charge skills with your tickets, make sure to look them up on the wiki before you do to make sure you’re getting the best value (and don’t spend your ticket if you’ve already got a decent charge skill level!)

4) Items (really!). If none of the above options work for you, then the item trades are not terrible value: if you’re considering this case, then the tickets are worth about the same as a 10-pull to you, or 50 stones. For me, at rank 77 with 90 stamina, the coins are better value than running the weekend 45 stamina coin dungeon with 50 stones. I definitely recommend running the numbers yourself if you’re considering this option (and remember that we’re getting a ton of free stuff from the event login bonuses!).

Hope that helps! If you’re after specific recommendations (or just want to leave some feedback), feel free to drop me a line in the comments below.