Chapter 13 – Gacha Review

First off:

Why ;_;

Anyway, the gacha. Let’s take a look!

New Units
Punches enemies; makes enemies punch back
Extremely stationary support
Can act as a Charm-based disruptive support or a Nullify Debuff-based damage dealer as needed
Burn/Conflagration-based damage dealer with some passive HP recovery built-in

As far as gimmicky blow units go, Taishakuten seems pretty decent. Forcing an enemy into Blow-range can be pretty useful for keeping the heat off the rest of your team, and a built-in 2x damage against this status coupled with Limit will mean you’ll often be outright winning fights before they can hit back.

His lack of any sort of defence is going to hurt him, though – unless you’ve got some sort of backup lined up for him, I’d recommend sitting him back for the first few turns in a phase, and only bring him in to deal with higher-priority targets.

He’ll be a reasonable pairing for Licho, if you’ve got him handy.

Gr∀tuitous use of symbols aside, I’d like to draw attention to ∀Isaac’s 4★ charge skill as one of the most bonkers things we’ve seen for some time.

The rest of his kit is fine, if a bit unexciting – there’s definitely some play in applying Confusion across such a wide area, but the rest of his kit is pretty replaceable.

Losing 60% off his activation chance after 9 turns also really hurts if you go that long – if you’re planning for an endurance game, the only way to get anything useful out of him is to bring a strong CP accelerant and some healing to offset his self-destruction.

Speaking of strong CP accelerants, it’s worth noting that Ulaanbaatar (Ul∀∀nb∀∀t∀r, Lifewonders?) has a pretty strong one tacked on to his Default skill for his 5★ – though it’s not quite as strong as Cthugha’s, it does extend the effect to allies, which could be very interesting.

Outside of this, Ulaanbaatar basically has two modes: if he’s not moved, he slaps enemies in Slash range with Charm at 70%, which is pretty great.

If he is moved, he acts as a reliable damage dealer, with an in-built 3/5x damage multiplier when he has Nullify Debuff (which he gets After Attacking), and extra damage to most defensive buffs.

He also hands out a bunch of Resistances to himself and allies – Burn (eh), Break (great), and Fear (also great). Not always useful, but these are really good statuses to have an answer for.

I’m a bit whelmed by Tadatomo here. A built-in 4.5x damage multiplier is nice, but that’s basically all he has – the HP recovery that he has is kind of meaningless, when typical enemies hit for several times that amount, and the only defensive ability he has is Guts when appearing, which really doesn’t achieve a lot.

I’ll still be rolling for him, for reasons, but he falls well short of the 4th-variant power level we’ve been seeing on other units.

The best comparison I have is to Horkeu Kamui’s vanilla 5★ – that was pretty bland on release, and did eventually get a pretty solid skill quest, so maybe that’s what they’re shooting for here?

There we have it! I’m keen to see what sort of shenanigans people get up to with ∀Isaac, and Ulaanbaatar is legitimately great, even if Tadatomo seems to have fallen a bit flat. Good luck if you’re rolling!