Mystic Christmas – Gacha Review

Plenty to cover in this one; let’s jump straight in.

AR Cards

Though I still would not recommend rolling for AR cards, all of the new ones this time around are immediately useful, which is a step up from previous ones. Apologies in advance for poor title translations!

Double Hero of the Holy Night!

Considering this is a farmable equip, we can consider it at level 100, which makes it a fair bit better. Guaranteed Guts when showing up is pretty good, and the extra stats and resistance to Blow damage is a nice bonus. Definitely worth farming this one up.

Watched by the Same Moon

Probably the weakest of the new cards in the gacha, Nullify Debuff on phase start is still a pretty good effect to have on hand, particularly for the things like the harder dungeon quests. It’s unfortunate how restrictive the equip conditions are on this one though.

Youth at Sunset

Increasing the equipped card’s CS multiplier by one is effectively moving it up a rarity level in terms of damage. in terms of percentage gains, lower-rarity cards will gain more from this, but it’s a pretty good effect to have on any card that can support it. The HP gain is great (you don’t have to work very hard to trigger it), particularly on Shot units, but it’s not a huge amount of recovery at level 1.

Summoners’ X’MAS

With a pretty broad list of units it can go on, and two strong effects, this is a pretty broadly powerful card – it’ll be pretty easy to find a use for this one, if you do manage to roll it (VShino, Snow, Tangaroa, etc.)

Gacha Units

With a pretty significant difference between his two rarities (from Light/Thrust to None/All), Tomte is a new addition to the standard gacha.

His 3★ form is a decent healing support, with 3 skills geared towards healing his team. He also brings some extra utility with him in the form of Remove Debuff, both on his LB3 and Charge Skill. Offensively, he’ll get a bit of a damage boost from Ardour, and he’ll be able to slow the enemy down a bit with CP reduction (though you have to miss to trigger this) and Remove Buff (which can be a very useful effect to have handy).

His 4★ completely ditches any pretence of being a unit you need to attack with, and goes full support. Maintaining the healing output from his 3★, he picks up a bit more offensive support in terms of Nourishment and Ardour for his team, as well as a bit more defensive utility (Adamantine to self, and Remove All Debuffs to allies, both on phase start).

One particular note about his 4★ is that it’s going to be very difficult to get his Charge Skill off – unlike most other None-type units we’ve seen, he has very few ways of boosting his own CP. If it’s an effect you particularly want (with his LB3, you won’t usually need it), consider running other units that can accelerate CP gain.

Using Tetsuya on a team is pretty straightforward: use his Magic range and Crit from his LB3 to sweep most of the weaker units off the board, then sit behind the front row and support them to do the heavy lifting for the rest of the phase.

His supporting kit covers all the bases you’d want it to, with a heal, offensive buff (Vigour) and defensive buff (Protection). For harder content, you might want to supplement him with another support (particularly since he has almost no self-sustain), but he’s a good starting point for a lot of teams.

What a strange unit design.

Kalki has a number of easily-triggered offensive and defensive buffs that all have a decent duration on them.

He also removes all of them at the start of turn, meaning he has to rely on triggering all his buffs every time he needs them. Every turn, he has a 90% chance to trigger Brawn, and when attacking, an 80% chance to trigger ATK Up, and a 60% chance to trigger Vigour. Let’s take a look at the chances of triggering these buffs, based on the number of enemies hit:

Number of Buffs
Number of Enemies Hit10.8%11.6%44.4%43.2%

If we assume that each buff has an equal damage multiplier of 2.3x (which is pretty accurate), his expected damage multiplier based on the number of units hit looks like this:

Number of Enemies HitExpected Damage Multiplier

This is the point where I remind you that Crit++ is a 6x boost.

On top of murdering everything, he’s also got a bit of team healing, and a decent defensive boost in Adamantine (though you’ll need to move him every time you want it), but do you really need these when everything on the enemy team is dead?

My friends list has featured a level 75 Sitri for about a year now – so, when I saw his event variant, I had a hunch I’d be seeing him around.

I log back in about half an hour after the event is released, and see this:

Godspeed, friend.

Spread Buffs has proven to be a relatively powerful effect, and here is no exception – running double Sitri (yours and a friend’s) is going to be able to clear quite a lot of content, particularly once one of their Charge Skills has been triggered – Blessing, Glint, Ardour, and Barrage are all great buffs to share around.

Once again, the limited 5★ units are absolutely bonkers – though it’s pretty entertaining to see what LW does with them, I do worry a little bit about how sustainable this direction is.

Much like his normal version, Takemaru is a very strong offensive support. Unlike his normal version, 1) he’s able to capitalise on his own support skills, and 2) he doesn’t need to be positioned early in your team lineup to get results.

Weakness and Ardour (as well as Crit from his Charge Skill, even at level 1) will both significantly boost your team’s (and Takemaru’s) damage output, while Skill Lock on demand can really reduce the difficulty of some quests (looking at you, dungeon quests!).

He’s got decent sustain in the form of a heal on phase start as well as Unction on attack, and gets Increased Movement pretty readily, which is great when he relies on movement abilities.

With the introduction of Spread Buffs, it was only really a matter of time before Copy Buffs followed, and what better character than Aegir (the original buff thief) to introduce it on.

Aegir does 3 things, each of which are strong in their own right:

  1. Removes a whole bunch of status effects from himself (though he’s not immune to any of the really oppressive ones – Charm, Fear, Skill Lock).
  2. Applies Charm to enemies – either through attacking (30%) or them simply being in range at the start of turn (40%). He also pulls enemies towards him when he attacks, which helps get them in range for this.
  3. Steals buffs from enemies (slash range), and copies buffs from allies.

And here I thought Kalki’s expected damage was high.

Even with the wrong teambuilding, Aegir is a powerhouse. With the right teambuilding, he’s going to be absurd. I can’t wait to see what people do with him.

As seems to be the case with recent event gachas, it’s pretty easy to recommend this one, particularly if you like the look of the 4★ units. As always, good luck to those rolling!

Third Anniversary

In keeping with last year’s anniversary event, LW is being great to the player base once again.

I’m personally looking forward to the Great/Super chance increase – I’ve been hoarding EXP materials from the event shops for a while now, and it’ll be nice to clear out my inbox a bit.

There are a few things I want to talk about today; namely, the platinum tickets and the event reprints. Tickets first!

Platinum Tickets

I wrote a post on this last year that’s mostly still relevant. The quick tl;dr, if you don’t feel like reading the whole thing, is:

Husbando > Practical Unit > +5 to relevant charge skill level > items

I also recommended Thunderbird, Seth, Arsalan, Musashi, and Volos as practical units.

There are a couple of additions this year in AR as well as some good new 4★ units to choose from.

I’d recommend AR somewhere around the same level as +5 to a relevant charge skill. There aren’t a ton of AR cards that are going to significantly affect anyone’s teams, but there are a few effects that are worth considering. If you are thinking about them, take a look at the list on the wiki, and consider how they’re going to work with your team (and make sure you can equip them!) before you go ahead and grab one.

Generically, The Dog’s Battlefield is probably the easiest equipment to recommend, with a reliable and useful effect that can go on a bunch of units.

I would not recommend getting a duplicate of an AR card – their effects scale linearly, unlike unit skills and charge skills, meaning +5 won’t add very much value (a 5% increase, in fact).

We’ve had some good 4★ units added to the roster since the last anniversary. Other than Volos (there are other units that can give your team Barrage now), last year’s recommendations still stand. Other options:

Ose: Ose’s a pretty good defensive support option as an alternative to Seth. He’s also a pretty good early-game option, as a lot of his power comes from his default skill, that applies Dazzle on attacking.

Licho: I was pretty keen on Licho when he was released, and I’m pleased to say that he absolutely lived up to my expectations. He’s probably the safest recommendation of the current 4★ roster.

Behemoth: If you have 5★ Gyumao, then this is a no-brainer – double Behemoth (yours along with a friend support) and Gyumao makes for a very efficient team for farming wide maps. Even if you don’t have Gyumao, pulling the entire enemy team into your range is a pretty useful effect to have around.

I have yet to decide what I’ll pick up this year – I got coins last year, but I’m leaning towards seeds this time around. I’m also tempted to pick up a duplicate Thunderbird – though I’d get next to nothing out of it (he’s at sacred artifact level 96), it would satisfy the completionist in me to have him at level 100.

Gacha Reruns

Power levels across these gachas vary pretty considerably. I’m largely basing the below recommendations on the 4★ units – 5★ units are 1) pretty powerful across the board, and 2) not worth chasing, unless you are a glutton for punishment.

If you’re rerolling for a 5★, I’d recommend trying for Valentine’s Shino, either of the 5★ units from Fashionista, either of the 5★ units from the Andvari Resort event, or a Jiangshi Krampus.

As always, if you’re husband chasing, feel free to ignore the below advice!


In niche cases, such as the Setsubun event, Motosumi does spectacularly. Outside of those, he’s a bit average. Since he’s the only limited 4★ here, it makes it pretty easy to recommend skipping this one.


All four of the available 4★ featured in this gacha are pretty great. Surtr is probably the highlight, though Behemoth and Kenta both have a good number of uses.

Ueno Fluffy KingdomNO

None of the three 4★ units here have really made an impact. None of them are explicitly bad, but they’re also not worth chasing. Alp is probably the best of the bunch, but he’s in the regular gacha anyway (and you can pick him up with a platinum ticket, if you’re desperate).


Probably the easiest of the gachas to recommend rolling in. Suzuka is one of the best 4★ units in the game right now (I missed the range on her Charm when reviewing her – it’s 6 squares!), and Amatsumara and Tsathoggua are no slouches, either.

Andvari ResortYES, BUT

This was a really tricky one – Along with Suzuka, I’d put Beach Seth towards the top of the 4★ units in the game, and the 5★ units in this gacha are nothing short of spectacular, but ultimately I think Kotaro and Goemon are average enough to bring it back down. If you’re fine with getting either of these (they’re not awful, but not really something to chase), then feel free to roll.

Volos is a really strong combo piece, but really needs other pieces of the combo to shine – namely, other units that inflict debuffs on the enemy. If you’ve got these (or are using your platinum tickets on them) then Volos is pretty good; otherwise, don’t chase him.

Jiangshi NightNO

We just had this one – if you’ve just started, roll Fashionista instead (or reroll for your choice of 5★), and if you didn’t roll in it while it was here, your decision probably won’t have changed.

Good luck to those rolling, and I look forward to seeing what awaits us in 2020!